Structure of WGs/SIGs
During the 4th MC meeting a decision on re-organization of working style has been taken. Due to low efficiency of WG/SIG operation MC decided to take ad-hoc approach driven by the current research topics. The result of these efforts is so-called “White Paper” representing up-to-date vision on every particular topic.
White papers of WiNeMO
- Security Provision. Leader: Prof. Jonathan Loo. Updated June 6th, 2012.
- Content-Centric Architectures for Moving Objects. Leader: Prof. Vassilis Siris. Updated June 6th, 2012.
- Joint Modeling for Networks of Moving Objects. Leader: Prof. Geert Heijenk.
- Technology and Business Aspects of M2M communication. Leader: Prof. Evgeny Osipov. Draft. Updated June 6th, 2012.
- Synergy and Cooperation in Heterogeneous Networks. Leader: Prof. Hakima Chaouchi.
- M2M Services. Leader: Prof. Manfred Sneps.
Working Group 1 :: Network Architectures
Chairs: Hakima Chaouchi (IT SudParis, France) and Paulo Mendes (University of Lusofona, Portugal)
- Architectures for WiNeMO, in particular the incentive-driven architectures for autonomous environment;
- Architectures for disruptive-tolerant networks;
- Role-based architectures. Modular architectures based on atomic networking functions and general interfaces between them to allow an effective cross-layering;
- Seamless content-based services and applications;
- Handling of user’s requirements in terms of QoS, security/privacy, etc.
- Mobility and interoperability between different network domains;
- Security and privacy;
- Addressing and tracking of roaming WiNeMO objects;
- Novel routing algorithms and protocols (e.g., opportunistic, named-based, declarative, location-based etc.); content-service based routing;
- Description language: ontologies, categorization and meta data / meta information;
- Reliable communication; Control/Data/Management planes.
Working Group 2 :: Protocol Engineering, cross-layering and cooperation
Chairs: Evgeni Osipov (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden) and Boris Bellalta (University Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
- A cooperative MIMO architecture for wireless networkable objects;
- Algorithms and techniques to coordinate multiple transmissions from different objects in order to improve the communication range and reliability with lower power consumption (cooperative MIMO, network coding);
- Optimization of resource management, seamless transmission, intelligent information filtering and joint energy conservation;
- A joint MAC/routing approaches for event-based WiNeMO networks;
- Medium Access Control protocols for cognitive spectrum solutions; Delay tolerant routing protocols for moving objects with sporadic connectivity;
- Novel realistic mobility models for relevant application scenarios to support evaluation of the developed algorithms, protocols, techniques and mechanisms;
- Mobility scenarios under dynamic and agile requirements;
- Performance evaluation and protocol stack optimization;
- Cross layer solutions.
Working Group 3 :: Applications and services
Chair: Dirk Staehle (University of Würzburg, Germany)
- Seamless content-based services and applications;
- Assessment of the Quality of Experience for different types of traffic in heterogeneous environments;
- Communication interfaces between application and the network stack within the service oriented architecture vision;
- Protocols ensuring application, session and network mobility in an integrated way.
- Methods for synchronized processing of heterogeneous data traffic within compound real time interactive applications and services;
- Dynamic adaptation of audio-video codecs depending on the context information;
- Assessment of the quality of experience for different types of traffic in heterogeneous environments.
Working Group 4 :: Use-cases, soceital and economical aspects
Chair: Jonathan Ismael (Lancaster University, UK)
- Design and evaluation of stand-alone and joint tesbeds, and living labs;
- Concept, functional description and analysis of realistic use-cases;
- Economic and societal impact;
- Pricing mechanisms and business models for novel applications and services.
SIG on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Chair: Alexey Vinel (SPIIRAS, Russia) and Tatiana Madsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
- Protocols for inter-vehicle communication
- Vehicular mobility
- ITS infrastructure